Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why I hate people and don't leave the house.

On the DirecTV Board:

ME: ok seriously when are we getting the Disney Jr channel!
Like 3 people like this.
Michael Rubin: They're not getting it

Me: but they need to

Michael Rubin: They don't NEED to. You WANT them too. Stop being so self-entitled.

Me: Dude I don't know you so you NEED back off. I don't need cable but if they want my business they will get it or I will go else where. I'm not sure how any of this is your problem or issue it was not a personal affront to you so thanks for playing.

Michael Rubin: You made it my business when you posted it publicly. So tired of you parents who can't handle the idea of raising your children without one single channel. It's sickening.

ME: You had no reason to attack me personally. I didn't attack you personally. I'm tired of pompous people who have no idea about me or anyone else being rude for no reason. Don't comment on my parenting style or me. You don't know anything about me. I didn't call you a fat know it all new yorker now did I.

And then I deleted it because I'm better than that and I don't have the time for random butthead.

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