Thursday, March 01, 2012

Going Back

I have an interview tomorrow. On top of not being nervous because I have been on one interview in the past 7 years, I am not even sure I want to go back to work. I like working and I love doing graphic arts but I'm just not sure I can leave that cute little baby girl. Extra money coming in would alleviate a lot of problems and I know that I have been fortunate because I have been able to stay home with her for almost 3 years. But the thought of leaving her just seems so scary, even when I am leaving her with someone I know and trust. I think of all the things I'll miss and how little time I will have with her and it makes me cry. I keep telling myself to just go on the interview and see what happens but a little part of me just wants to run and hide and not even try. These people just need to let me work from home and then everything would be great!

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