Sunday, January 22, 2012

Oh the damage a sneeze can do

I have this problem, ever since I had my daughter if I sneeze more than once in a row, I will tinkle on myself. So when I sneeze and I feel another one coming I start running for the bathroom to avoid having to change my clothes. Today this happened when I was talking to my mother and making dinner. As I tried to run to the bathroom I had to quickly set something on the counter, I then turned to try and make it. Instead I kicked, ran into, etc. the wall. My middle toe took the brunt of it and my whole foot throbbed and burned. I still had to go to the bathroom and I was still holding in a sneeze. So I hobbled to the bathroom. Meanwhile I could hear my mother asking my two-year old if everyone was ok. The conversation went like this:
Grandma: "Is everyone ok?"
2-year old, in a scared voice: "Yes, I'm ok"
Grandma: "Is Mommy ok?"
2-year old:"Are you ok?"
Grandma: "Yes, I'm ok"
2-year old: "Uncle A ok?"
Grandma: "Tell her you are ok"
Uncle A: "I'm ok"
2-year old, yelling: "Uncle A"
Grandma: "Is mommy ok"
2-year old: "Mommy's ok. Uncle A!!!"

You see who is important her.
By this time my middle toe is swelling and turning black. I keep socks filled with rice (and sewn up) in the freezer so I grabbed a baby one positioned it on my toe and put my real sock over it (My 2-year-old of course had to have one of her own( and resumed making her dinner until my hubby got home from the store to finish up.

This is the second time I have done that. My hubby says I have to wear tennis shoes at all times and my 2-year-old is limping around the house saying my toe hurts. I am looking through my coupons and finding deals on adult urine pads because I have decided I would rather pee myself and clean it up then break my toe, for a third time.

1 comment:

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Thank You