Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Off the deep end . . .

All the Charlie Sheen stuff in the news lately makes me both sad and angry. I have witnessed first had what drugs and alcohol can do to a person and while a part of me is sad for him most of me is just pissed off. I know it is an addiction and it is hard but man up. You know what you are doing is wrong and you need to find it in you to change for your family and especially your kids. It is very hard on children to have to grow up with an addicted parent. And I realize we live in a more "open" society now and I'm good with that but really is the best option for your kids, your career and yourself to blab your personal feelings on every show that will have you? Celebrities and most people in general need to learn some self editing and when to shut the hell up. Everyone slips up every now and then but really I don't have to know exactly what you are thinking each and every moment that you think it.

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